Friday, 17 April 2015

Music Workshop

I have been through many different phases with my feelings and relationship with the class. During the first few weeks, I really had to adapt to learn how to work with large groups of children between the ages of 2-3. I familiarised myself with the class and learnt how to capture their attention and direct the activity. The second part, which lasted until the end of year show, was mainly dedicated to rehearsing the show and therefore not allowing for experimentation or the possibility of modifying or improvising the content of the workshop. The last stage is much more open to experimentation and discovering new instruments, without forgetting more focussed activities.

My relationship with the class was based on trust, closeness and affection. What I believe has been learnt most has been familiarising them with basic musical concepts, such as silence, instruments, rhythm etc. I also consider that introducing them to a space dedicated solely to music in the weekly routine as learning, we have reinforced other aspects that are being worked on in class such as teamwork, waiting and attention span...

The activities were planned together with Loli, and I have always always had Rosa’s support and any other teacher’s that have passed through the class. Lorenzo supplied all the material and instruments that I needed.

Lastly, I think that these interventions in which the families participate in are totally viable.

Jesús Barranco, Julia’s Dad (Caballo Ramón)

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